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Glutamine Review, top 5 glutamine benefits

Glutamine Review,and top 5 glutamine benefits:

MHP Glutamine SR (GSR) Review:
Glutamine SR , L glutamin , sustained release

It is good for Maximum human performance (MHP) to produce 

the beautiful product like Glutamine-SR(GSR) (sustained released), best glutamine.

Glutamine ( Glu amino acid ) is an amino acid, and glutamine uses are recovery and inhibition breaking down of muscle fibers.

L glutamin is one of the most important amino acids, needed by our bodies.

(to know more about amino acids and what they are, you need to see amino acid chart, I will discuss that in the future posts)

MHP Glutamine-SR (GSR) Review starts, (with emoji of arm with big biceps, lol)


ingredient label of Glutamine sr , MHP company

L glutamin 5 g, perfect to muscle fibers recovery after hight-intensity workouts.

IMPORTANCE OF GLUTAMINE SR ( Glutamine benefits ):

  1. L glutamin in glutamine sr can,
  2.  help prevent muscle catabolism,
  3. promote muscle anabolism, 
  4. enhances the immune system, 
  5. enhances glycogen storage.


Take 1-2 times daily, with water or can be added to your protein.


  1. provide your body with endurance in training.
  2. it is the best glutamin product, I have ever used, I used it for seven years, and it is perfect. 
  3. two scoops a day are suitable for everyone, and glutamine sr has the sustained release option, that makes your body rich of glutamin for 12 hours.
  4. About the taste, it is not a problem for me, but this glutamin is so ANABOLIC, I am happy with its effects.
  5. It is the best MHP’s product, I only use this product from MHP, and still present in my stack.


well, the bodybuilder could not abandon it.

Unlike protein or other amino acids, L glutamin is the most important amino acid, that we need to support anabolic and anti-catabolic actions and recovery from high-intensity exercise.

Another thing, GSR is different from others that its glutamine is sustained released, it is lasting for 12 hours in the body.

Different products, 70% of glutamine is broken in a stomach and just 30% is available to feed muscles, this problem doesn’t exist in G-SR.


only negative is that is unflavored, but it can be added to 

 the protein shake and its taste is no longer bad.


-BodyBuilding for 43.98$ for 1000 G

-Amazon for 50$ for 1000 G 

I think the price of bodybuilding is good.

glutamine SR , L glutamin increase recovery of muscles and decrease catabolism

muscle fibers need several of amino acids to build themselves, but if these amino acids rate lowers in the body, these fibers will be torn and could not build themselves, at that step, the role of glutamine is coming, Glutamine decreases of tearing of muscles fibers, and increases their recovery and growth.

L glutamin and Leucine are considered the most important amino acids for muscle mass, but in recovery, L glutamin wins.

so we can conclude from that, Glutamine is the most important amino acid in your body, and its rate during exercise is lowering to half, so you need a supplement of Glutamine first and others come after.

Let me know about your opinion about GSR after using ? just drop your comment below.

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