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Iron Supplement Side Effects, 4 Steps Simple To Avoid Them!

Iron Supplement Side Effects,  4 Steps Simple To Avoid Them!

Iron supplement side effects can be avoided most of the time,

first let's see why Iron Supplement are even important,
and then begin to show you some easy ways to avoid their unwanted side effects..

Why iron is so important?!

Iron is a very important mineral for maintaining normal haemoglobin,
which is responsible for the formation of RBCs ( Red Blood Cells ),
which in turn is responsible for transporting Oxygen and Carbon dioxide to and from every cell of your body to and from the lungs.

Iron Supplement Side Effects,  4 Steps Simple To Avoid Them!

So iron isn't only important,
Yet, Iron  crucial for your life.

When its normal percent decreases it will cause anaemia.

There are 400 different types of anaemia,
but the most famous type is the “iron deficiency anaemia”.

Iron Supplement Side Effects,

How would you know that you suffer from anaemia?

Common symptoms of anaemia:

  • Dizzyness.
  • Unexplained frequent headache.
  • Always complaining of having low energy.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • fast heart beats(over 100 beats\minute) especially after exercise.
  • Hair loss.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Fragile and brittle nails.

What should I do if I have some anaemia symptoms?

  • You have to get a complete blood count test,
to identify the type of anaemia you are suffering from.

  • Don't only get a haemoglobin levels ,
it won't be a good indicator for your health and anemic condition.

Causes of iron deficiency anaemia

There are many causes for Iron Deficiency,

some of which are:

  1. Heavy bleeding while menstruation.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding also cause iron levels to drop significantly.
  3. Poor diet.
  4. Heavy and excessive exercises.
  5. Some drugs and caffeinated drinks,makes your body unable to use the natural iron found in most foods.
  1. Any condition causing hemodialysis.

Iron Supplement Side Effects , iron deficiency

How these type of anemic iron deficiency can be treated?

You'll need to include food rich in iron in your meals,
like spinach, broccoli, meat, poultry, dried fruits and nuts or you can consult your doctor for taking iron supplements,
But only take them under doctor supervision because of the Iron supplements side effects listed below..

Iron supplements

Iron supplements are available in many forms:
syrup, chewable tablets, capsules, IM (intramuscular) or IV (intravenous).

Iron supplement side effects

Like any other drug, there are  some potential side effects, like:

  1. Iron Supplement Side Effects
  2. Abdominal upset.
  3. Dark stool.
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Nausea.
  6. Vomiting.
  7. Discoloration of teeth, with the liquid form of iron supplements.
  8. Discoloration of the injected area, with IV or IM iron supplements.

How To Overcome The Iron Supplement Side Effects in 4 Simple Steps?

Adapt these methods to avoid any probable Iron Supplement Side Effects


Iron Supplements are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach,
but doing so can cause a huge discomfort in your stomach,
so you’d better take a snack with your iron supplement,
but exclude any dairy products or caffeinated drinks,
because both decreases the iron absorption.

Adding an orange juice for your snack for the benefits of vitamin C ( Iron Booster ).


You need to include a meal as it contains high fibers,
and you’ll have to take it after or before your iron supplement dose,
both should be two hours apart.


Discoloration of the teeth can be avoided by using a straw or brushing your teeth with some baking soda.


Discoloration of the injected part of the body,
can be reduced by the way of injection,
whether you are injected by a doctor or by a nurse,
both must try their best not to allow the liquid injection to diffuse under the skin,
or it'll be discolored for over a month period.

Misusing iron supplements can be fatal,
Because of the drastic iron supplements side effects that might occur
especially for kids under 6 years.

Always Consult Your Physician About The Best Products of Iron Supplements Suitable For You.


  1. Nice Post and great Content


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