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5 Best bodybuilding womens workout

bodybuilding womens workout

Bodybuilding womens workout slightly differs somehow from the bodybuilding men's workout.

Why does the bodybuilding womens workout differs from the bodybuilding men's workout?

Due to sexual hormones, men have higher levels of testosterone which is the hormone responsible for the muscle building.

In the other hand women have higher levels of estrogen, which is a female hormone responsible for fat distribution.

Here we are going to list you the most popular exercises for you:

5 Best bodybuilding womens workout

  1. Running on a treadmill

The cardio is the best exercise  that you can start your day with,
As cardio is one of the best bodybuilding womens workout.

It's easy and doesn't need any prescription for doing it,
just get on a treadmill and start the run for a 5-10 minutes.

It works on different kind of muscles in your legs, thighs and some says your buttock too.
bodybuilding womens workout Running on a treadmill

  1. Medicine ball chest pass

It's an easy exercise whether with a partner or even when using the wall as your partner

  1. Hold the ball close to your chest.
  2. Throw the ball with straight hands to your partner.
  3. Catch back the ball.

That's it, it works on the chest muscles.

bodybuilding womens workout medicine ball chest pass

  1. Bicycle crunches

This exercise is perfect because it works on both the abdomen muscles and the thigh muscles.
Doing it right will guarantee the good results for sure
  1. Lie down on the ground with straight legs.
  2. Interlock your fingers and put your hands behind your head.
  3. Raise your right thigh till it become perpendicular to the ground.
  4. Move your left elbow to touch your right knee.
  5. Do the same with the other thigh and the opposite elbow.
bodybuilding womens workout bicycle CRunches

  1. Dumbell Squats

              Squats is a very important exercise, it's considered as the perfect exercise for women, because it moves many muscles at the same time, but in order to to maximize its benefits you must do it right

  1. Stand with straight back holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Your chest is held up.
  3. Your face looking forward.
  4. Your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  5. Your hands straight forward in front of you.
  6. Imagine a chair behind you and sit on it.
  7. Use your hands for balancing your body.
  8. Lower down more with your hips till you get as close to the ground as possible.
  9. Put your weight on your heels, then push your body up to start it over from the beginning.

Don't think that you're going to do squats perfectly from the first time, try again and again till you can do it right.

Squats affect your buttock muscles and your thigh muscles and tightens them up big time with regular exercises.

bodybuilding womens workout dumbell squat

  5. Incline dumbbell press

A great bodybuilding womens workout for beginners
and it works on different type of muscles such as; upper chest Muscles , shoulders and triceps (back of the arm muscles)

  1. Hold  a dumbbell In each hand.
  2. Sit down on incline bench.
  3. Rest the dumbbells on your thighs.
  4. Lay back on the bench.
  5. Lift up one dumbbell to your shoulder.
  6. Lift up the other dumbbell also to your shoulder, your hand palms facing each other.
  7. Use your thigh muscles to lift the dumbbells to a shoulder-width.
  8. Twist your wrist so your hand palms looking at the same direction as your thighs.
  9. Lower your hands down till the dumbbells reach your chest.
  10. Then use your chest muscles to lift the dumbbells up again.

Make sure When your hands up that you hold up there for a second, and when lowering your hands down, make it slowly for much better results.

bodybuilding womens workout incline bench pree

So whether you just want to tone up for your summer swimsuits, or you want to begin a career in the bodybuilding, start with our 5 Best bodybuilding womens workout and stay tuned for more.

And if you have tried any of the exercises above tell us more about your experience and what worked the best for you?


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