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Is slow eccentric deadlift really working more for building muscle: 5 common deadlift mistakes

Is slow eccentric deadlift really working more for building muscle: 5 common deadlift mistakes

Deadlift is one of the most powerful exercises for improving strength, slow eccentric deadlift for muscle building
Deadlift is one of three main exercises for increasing the strength (Powerlifting).
Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift are the main exercises for strengthening All body muscles.
there are two types of deadlift, Conventional and sumo deadlift.
Slow eccentric Deadlift increasing the gaining of muscle strength with DOUBLE.
To keep going through the beautiful deadlift exersise, we should know more about how to do, the muscles worked by Deadlift and Deadlift mistakes to be avoided.
We have to try these two types and feel more effective one and make it our deadlift technique.
Before starting with one of them, we must know the proper deadlift form to do it.
In this, we will talk about how to deadlift (conventional deadlift).

warm up sets will be started by empty deadlift barbell to ensure that your form is perfect to increase the weight.
Slow eccentric deadlift for muscle building promuscle life

1. Walk to the deadlift barbell, make your feet middle the barbell, with a width slightly narrower than the squat width.
2. Grab the barbell by bending over without bending your knees.The Grip of your hands is with the shoulders width, Not wider because if it is wider than the shoulders width that makes the distance during standing up taller and more difficult, and may make shoulder injury.
3. Now, bending your knees and lowering your hips.
4. Make your chest raised, and straighten your back, to decrease the stresses on your back.
5. take a deep breath, hold it and then stand up with a straight back and raised chest.Holding the breath make your core tight.
6. During the rep, make Deadlift barbell in contact with your legs, if further, that will cause bending in your back and increasing the risk of lower back injury, and make deadlift more difficult.

Deadlift is for strengthening all body muscles, it is great for powerlifting.But also it is great for bodybuilding.
SO the worked muscles During Deadlifting:

1. Legs: the Hamstrings, Glutes, Quadriceps and Calves. it is like Squat, but in the half distance, so it is good for legs due to heavier weights.
2. Back: Back muscles is activated to make the spine in neutral line to decrease the risk of injury.
3. ABS: Abs are activated to make your core tight and lifting more weight.
4. Arms: grabbing the deadlift barbell make your grip and forearms more strong, and also your biceps and triceps are activated even they did not bend, this is isometric muscle contraction, and this is good for growing muscles.
5. Traps: Also trapezius muscles is activated during standing up, making the shoulders stable.


slow eccentric deadlift for building muscle, promusclelife
1. Improper arm, shoulder or hips movement,
some people during deadlifting, are bending their arms to lift the barbell, that means more unnesessary arm muscle activation than back muscle, make your deadlift workout with no effect.
Or During standing up, some people try to move their hips forward and their shoulders backward, that makes more stresses on spine and shoulder, you just need to stand up with a straight back and stable shoulder to have more safe and effective Deadlift exercise.
2. Wrong exercise,
the rep starts from the floor (Dead stop) and ends on the floor, some make the rep from the stand-up position and that is not true.
some make the deadlift barbell not touching the floor to end the rep, and that is not conventional deadlift, it is now called Romanian Deadlift and the muscles worked are Hamstrings and glutes more than Back muscles.
3. Hips too low,
the start position of the hip has to be higher than the knees, because when your hips are in the line with knees parallel to the floor, that is more likely to squat, and the legs muscles will be more unnecessary stressed than we need.
4. Rounding your back,
there are two reasons for this mistake, First one is the too heavyweight.
the second one is Bar away from your shins.
it is important that Deadlift barbell is in contact with your legs along the rep from starting on the floor to the finishing on the floor.
5. Relying more on lifting gear,
lifting gear like deadlift belt and straps are necessary for safer exercise, but using them not to all exercise.
Example: if you can lift deadlift barbell with 45 LB for 10 repetitions, that is not necessary to wear lifting gear in this set, make your core to be stronger.
bradley martyn is one of the popular youtuber athlete, nice dude, promusclelife

I hope to practice with full knowledge about our exercises to make the exercises safer and more effective.


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